What is Walk for Home?
Walk for Home is a walking event in London, or for people around the country to organise themselves, to help give families across the UK a warm and safe place to call home.
How much does it cost to sign up?
There is a registration fee of £10 for the London event. If you’re organising your own walk, it’s free to sign up.
Where does my money go?
The money you raise will bring us closer to a world where everyone’s right to a home is guaranteed. With your help, we’ll reform private renting, demand more social homes, and be there for anyone without a safe place to call home.
Are there any age restrictions for the event?
You must be 18 and over to create a fundraising page and sign up for Walk for Home. If you’re under 18, you do not need to register but must be accompanied by a registered adult.
What do I do if I’ve signed up, but can’t do the walk anymore?
Let us know by emailing us at walkforhome@shelter.org.uk – and remember to disable your fundraising page in your JustGiving page settings.
I haven’t received a confirmation email yet. Am I registered?
You should have received a confirmation email when you signed up from JustGiving – and if you haven’t, please check your junk mail. If you still aren’t having any luck, please email walkforhome@shelter.org.uk and we’ll get it sorted.
Can you help me with any issues on my JustGiving page?
Please contact JustGiving support where they have lots of helpful information, and you can contact them directly.
What time do I need to arrive?
You will have selected a wave time when you paid your registration fee. Please check your confirmation email for this information. Please try and arrive 40 minutes before your start wave so we can get everyone signed in.
How long is the walk route?
You can chose from a 5km or a 10km route.
Is the event accessible for wheelchairs/assisted walking?
Yes, our London route is fully accessible.
Will I get a map of the route?
We will email all attendees a digital map closer to the event day. You will also have a paper map to use on the night. All routes will be well marshalled.
Can I bring my dog?
Yes. Dogs are welcome but must be kept on leads at all times.
Will water be provided at the event?
To help further reduce our carbon footprint, and limit plastic waste, we will not provide bottled water for each participant. Instead, we encourage all walkers to bring their own bottles from home. Refreshments will be available at the start of the event before you set off.
When will I get my bobble hat?
Every person paying an entry fee will get a bobble hat on the day of the event.
Where can I find my event photos?
You can find photos on the Facebook page following the event and this will be emailed to you. We encourage everyone to use the hashtag #walkforhome on their walk and share on their social media channels You can also find photos that walkers have added on social media, search #walkforhome.
Can I register on the day?
Yes. A registration fee of £10 will be charged on the day. This is subject to change due to venue capacity so we recommend signing up in advance. If you haven't registered but would still like to join us on the day please email walkforhome@shelter.org.uk to check wave availability.
Can I change my wave time?
If you would like to change your wave time, please email us in advance of the event and we will do our best to accommodate you. You will not be able to change you're wave time 5 days before the event or if a wave has already sold out.
Do your own walk
Can anyone organise their own Walk for Home?
Yes. Walk for Home is open to everyone. You can cover your chosen distance in whichever way you're able, and adapt the challenge to suit your needs. Local councils can provide information about accessible walks in their areas, and there are also dedicated websites where you can search the routes.
How do I get started?
Visit Do your own walk. When it comes to setting up your walk, we’ll support you every step of the way – from rallying your fellow walkers to raising money for the event.
How many people can join my team?
As many as you like.
How far do I have to walk?
Your Walk for Home can be as long or short as you like, it’s up to you.
Is there a certain day I have to do my walk?
No. We encourage all participants to try and plan their walk any time in December, but if there’s another time that works for you, feel free to plan your walk outside of these dates.
If I’m organising a walk, what fundraising tools will be available?
You can download a free walker guide. It’ll tell you everything you need to know about Walk for Home. We’ve got plenty of free fundraising tools and tips for you to help make your fundraising easy; from posters to social posts, so you can tell the world about your walk.
Can I buy any Walk for Home merchandise?
There’s no Walk for Home merchandise for sale, but once you raise £40 we’ll send you a Walk for Home bobble hat.
I’d like to do my own Walk for Home through my workplace. How do I organise that?
Great. We’ve got lots of advice for businesses – from corporate fundraising tools, such as matched giving, to tips on how to get your colleagues psyched up for the big day. To find out more, please email: walkforhome@shelter.org.uk
How do I fundraise for Walk for Home?
After paying your registration fee, you should have received an email asking you to claim your fundraising page. Please check your junk and spam if you can’t see this.
For more info and more ideas on how to spread the word, please check out our free fundraising tools.
How do I send cash donations to you?
If you get a cash donation, you’ll have to pay in the amount you’ve received to your online fundraising page.
Alternatively, you can send us a cheque or make a bank transfer by emailing walkforhome@shelter.org.uk. We’ll provide you with all the info you need from there.
How much do I have to fundraise?
We’re encouraging all walkers to raise a minimum of £80. But aim high, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.
What happens if I can’t reach £80?
We’re here to support you with your fundraising as much as we can, so please do get in touch at: walkforhome@shelter.org.uk.
Does Gift Aid count towards my fundraising target?
Unfortunately, Gift Aid doesn’t count towards your fundraising total. However, please encourage your donors to include Gift Aid in their donations because it’s a fantastic way to help us raise extra funds, and be there for more people who are living in unsafe housing conditions.
What does my fundraising support?
The incredible funds you raise from your walk could help us defend everyone’s right to a safe and secure home, and continue providing support to people who are homeless and living in unsuitable housing
Can I fundraise through a different platform?
We recommend using JustGiving as it’s efficient and easy to use and a fundraising page will automatically be created for you when you register.
However, if you’d like to use something else, please let us know by emailing: walkforhome@shelter.org.uk.
How to I set up a team on JustGiving?
Please see JustGiving's guide to team pages here.
My question isn’t covered here. Who do I contact?
Please email walkforhome@shelter.org.uk and we’ll be more than happy to help.